#berlin street stickers

172 items
Street sticker A worn sticker on a wall with the text "Yoga? Heroin." and a SoundCloud link. The sticker is orange with white text.


24 January 2023
Street sticker A peach-colored sticker with black and white text saying "HEY NA!" and the website www.heyona.berlin at the bottom. It is pasted on a metallic pole.

HEY NA! www.heyna.berlin

18 December 2022
Street sticker A sticker featuring a cartoon knight in a helmet with 'x' eyes. The background is blue with the text 'Union Merda' at the top and 'in Berlin Hertha' at the bottom.

Union-merda x x Hertha in Ban PARTY UNDERRATED BERLIN DEUTSCHRAP www.94 a SALIN.DE

18 December 2022
Street sticker A sticker featuring the logo for Project Soma Tribe, a company or group related to cannabis, is seen on a pole in Berlin. The sticker has a mountainous landscape and a stylized cannabis leaf in its design. Other stickers are present on the same pole, including one that says "Scary Site Berlin."

Project Soma Tribe HBAB SCARY SITE BERLIN Witzerath tag

14 December 2022
Street sticker A dark green sticker with white text and an illustration of a man in a long coat holding various items. The text on the sticker says, "Support your local casual dealer." There is also a small logo at the top of the sticker with a shirt collar icon and text which reads "Smart Dresser / Almstadtstraße 57 Berlin".


14 December 2022
Street sticker A sticker on a pole in Berlin. The main sticker features the logo for MB Graffiti Berlin Crew. A smaller sticker underneath shows a pine marten. The number 107 is visible on the bottom right of the marten sticker.

KSK the Kg Benlin LOST BLUNTED MR CREW Vaffiti Bombing 107

28 November 2022
Street sticker Sticker for an event called NoisyLeaks, which seems to be about exposing secrets.  It lists an expo, films, workshops and a lab. The event took place from the 8th to the 30th of October 2022 at P145, Invalidenstr. 145.  A QR code is included that links to https://noisyleaks.space

NoisyLeaks! The Art of Exposing Secrets EXPO / FILMS / [REDACTED] / WORKSHOPS / LAB 8-30 October 2022 P145, Invalidenstr. 145

28 November 2022
Street sticker A minimalist sticker with the word "Labas" repeated three times.  The sticker also includes dates 02.11-06.11.2022 and a website address. It's stuck on a blue wall.

02.11-06.11.2022 labas Litauisches Kino Goes Berlin labas labas Itkinogoesberlin.de

31 October 2022
Street sticker A sticker featuring an Absolut Vodka bottle with the text 'Absolut Country of Berlin McRough' and 'Melodic Techno Urban Photography' underneath. The sticker is affixed to a metallic pole.

OLU EMIGITES ABSOLUT Country of Berlin McROUGH Melodic Techno Urban Photography

30 October 2022
Street sticker A black and white sticker on a pole protesting against Jordan B. Peterson's  show in Berlin, calling him a supporter of Donald Trump. It promotes a demo on September 29th, 2022 at 6 PM.

KEINE SHOW ANTIFASCIST FÜR SEXISTEN KEiNE UND RASSISTEN! ACTION SHOWS FÜR TATER! MGI OMG! OMG OM O OMG GREATUR O SLAMAPHOBE I'm = Аратин Homephotia Courts Praying for لي Ange Terror a Tents, P8 With Beating Attachs Vielance Grap II a Proud G Pena »Make America great again White Powere-Gruß und Fahne mit G Wahlkampf- Slogan VO Pepe der Frosch«- <<-Motiv; Beides 6 Donald Trump und Parcie Symbole der US-Rechten (»Alt Right«). »ich bin ein stolzer Islamfeind« der Faschisten in den USA Gegen den Auftritt von Jordan В. Peterson in Berlin. Donald Trump-Unterstütter raus aus Kreuzberg! DEMO DO. 29. SEPTEMBER 2022 18:00

30 October 2022
Street sticker A diamond-shaped sticker on a metal pole.  The sticker features black and yellow imagery with the text "DEFEND KOPIPLATZ" prominently displayed, along with the phrases "KOPIBLEIBT" and "KOPINEWS BERLIN." There are also several smaller illustrations and symbols surrounding the central text. The style is reminiscent of protest or activist art.


30 October 2022
Street sticker A close-up shot of a sticker featuring the word "TheDig" in stylized graffiti lettering. The sticker is orange and black and has a striped background. The Instagram handle "@board_doc_berlin" is visible at the bottom.

STADING board_doc_berli https://www.instagram.com/board_doc_berlin/

24 October 2022
Street sticker A circular sticker featuring the Eisern Union logo, predominantly red and white with black text.  The logo includes a stylized bear emblem. The sticker appears to be affixed to a gray surface.

DJs: KINGSTON HEADROLL JOHNNY REGGAE PRiNCE RALPH (EVERYTHING GRASHI King openair - An ratternooner2 iRiE (WINE & GRINE) AT 20.08.22 SONNENDECK Sonnendeck am Pumptrack der Ostbahn 9 - Zugang vom Ostbhf Beginn 15 Uhr EISERN UNION 17 UNION

24 October 2022
Street sticker A sticker announcing a Workers Assembly and Election for the FLINK Workers Collective, taking place on Monday, September 5th at 12:00 pm in Zemin, Urbanstraße 3, 10961 Kreuzberg.

FLINK FLINK WORKERS COLLECTIVE WORKERS ASSEMBL Y & ELECTION Monday, 5 September, 12:00 pm Location: Zemin, Urbanstraße 3, 10961 Kreuzberg

21 October 2022
Street sticker Round sticker with the text "Make Poetry Sexy Again" in the center.  It has a red circle border with white text. At the bottom it says @NightArtClub.  There is additional small text at the top that says "Just for Artists" and "Berlin 2022". The sticker is affixed to a weathered gray surface.


21 October 2022
Street sticker A sticker featuring the Hertha BSC logo and the year 1892. The sticker is purple and gold and is adhered to a dark-colored surface.

H 18 HerthaBSC 92 ER

14 October 2022
Street sticker A sticker featuring a monkey wearing headphones and text that says "Sprachen lernen im Affenzahn" (Learn languages quickly) and "rapper ohne grenzen" (rapper without borders).  A website address is also included.

Sprachen lernen im Affenzahn rapper* ohne greuzen www.kanzi.berlin

13 October 2022
Street sticker A sticker featuring a photo of a blonde woman in platform boots, sitting on a cobblestone street in front of the Brandenburg Gate. The text on the sticker translates to: "I stick positivity into a world where we often lack support."

Ich klebe Positivität in eine Welt in der uns öfter der Halt fehlt. callmehoneeeey W G wild_at_heart_shoots

13 October 2022
Street sticker A black sticker with the text "UNION BERLIN" in white.  There is a small graphic of what looks like a soldier or mascot to the left of "UNION" and small text above and below the main text. The small text is partially visible and appears to be in German.

Unsre Liebe, Unser Stolz Unsre Helden, Unser Verein UNION BERLIN

13 October 2022
Street sticker A black and red sticker with a devilish face and the text "Darkstore Berlin" written in a gothic style font.  The tagline "Dark Side of Fashion" is written below.

Darkstore Berlin Dark Side of Fashion Ферр

07 October 2022
Street sticker A sticker expressing opposition to Amazon's presence in the Fhain neighborhood.  It depicts a building engulfed in flames. The text translates to "Amazon? In Fhain? Not a good neighbor!"

Amazon? in Fhain? Kein guter Nachbar! @berlinvsamazon

01 October 2022