#kiezblock street stickers

2 items
Street sticker A sticker with the text "Kiezblock" repeated five times in different colors and "Friedenstraße" at the bottom.  A website address is also visible at the bottom.

DISE www.com/freundeskreisv kommon.jetzt Mobil: 0176 / 63 44 89 69 videoclips @gmx.de www.trandeskreisvideoclips.de Kiezblock Kiezblock Kiezblock Kiezblock Kiezblock Friedenstra

12 February 2023
Street sticker Sticker promoting a neighborhood initiative in Friedensstrasse to prioritize pedestrian and community space over vehicle traffic.  The design features three blue triangles and a website address.

Kiezblock Friedenstraße Mehr Kiez. Weniger Verkeht

12 February 2023