#karlmarx street stickers

6 items
Street sticker A sticker featuring Karl Marx holding a banner that says "Nej till allianser med fascister."  There's also a red rose with a fist in the middle, symbolizing resistance. The text on the sticker translates to "We shoot our generals. Fight against NATO!"

Vi skjuter văra generaler. Kamp emot NATO! NEJJLLL ALLIANSER MED FAXSSTER.

20 July 2024
Street sticker Sticker featuring a guide for new Berliners on how to survive German bureaucracy. It includes various images, a QR code, and the logo of Bloque Latinoamericano Berlin.

Manual para BLOQUE LATINOAMERICANO BERLIN nuevxs Berliners Una guía práctica para sobrevivir la burocracia alemana https://bloquelatinoamericanoberlin.org/2022/08/19/manual-para-nuevxs-berliners/

17 February 2023
Street sticker This sticker features Karl Marx in the center, with raised fists, a red flag, a Black Lives Matter sign, and a rainbow in the background.  There are loaves of bread at the bottom.  The text at the bottom says "ROOD AMSTERDAM" and includes a URL.

BLACK LIVES MATTER COMMUNITY MANIFEST ROOD AMSTERDAM Word Lid! SPnetal/aanmeiden/rood https://SPnet.nl/aanmelden/rood

10 January 2021