#kreuzberg street stickers

3 items
Street sticker Black and white sticker with the number SO36 and the word Kreuzberg in a stylized design. The number is in bold, uppercase letters, and the word Kreuzberg is written in a banner below.


29 March 2023
Street sticker A black and white sticker on a pole protesting against Jordan B. Peterson's  show in Berlin, calling him a supporter of Donald Trump. It promotes a demo on September 29th, 2022 at 6 PM.

KEINE SHOW ANTIFASCIST FÜR SEXISTEN KEiNE UND RASSISTEN! ACTION SHOWS FÜR TATER! MGI OMG! OMG OM O OMG GREATUR O SLAMAPHOBE I'm = Аратин Homephotia Courts Praying for لي Ange Terror a Tents, P8 With Beating Attachs Vielance Grap II a Proud G Pena »Make America great again White Powere-Gruß und Fahne mit G Wahlkampf- Slogan VO Pepe der Frosch«- <<-Motiv; Beides 6 Donald Trump und Parcie Symbole der US-Rechten (»Alt Right«). »ich bin ein stolzer Islamfeind« der Faschisten in den USA Gegen den Auftritt von Jordan В. Peterson in Berlin. Donald Trump-Unterstütter raus aus Kreuzberg! DEMO DO. 29. SEPTEMBER 2022 18:00

30 October 2022
Street sticker A sticker announcing a Workers Assembly and Election for the FLINK Workers Collective, taking place on Monday, September 5th at 12:00 pm in Zemin, Urbanstraße 3, 10961 Kreuzberg.

FLINK FLINK WORKERS COLLECTIVE WORKERS ASSEMBL Y & ELECTION Monday, 5 September, 12:00 pm Location: Zemin, Urbanstraße 3, 10961 Kreuzberg

21 October 2022