#anarchist street stickers

30 items
Street sticker A sticker with a red circle and a diagonal line crossing out a black symbol (possibly a variation of a Celtic cross). The text in Spanish says: "Nazis No!" ("No Nazis!") and "Toma la iniciativa ¡Reviéntalos!" ("Take the initiative, Smash them!").  The sticker also includes logos for Coordinadora Antifascista de Madrid and Memoria dignidad y lucha.

¡NAZIS NO! TOMA LA INICIATIVA ¡REVIÉNTALOS! Coordinadora COORDISADORA ANTIFASCISTA Memoria, Antifascista de Madrid dignidad y lucha MADRID FINAN Hello

06 July 2024
Street sticker Round sticker featuring two cartoon dogs facing off. One dog wears a cowboy hat, the other a police hat. The text on the sticker says "Against All Authorities" at the top and "Keep it Dirty" at the bottom.


27 January 2024
Street sticker Black and white sticker with a cartoonish illustration and text in Swedish. It shows a character in a tuxedo suggesting that everything should be blown up to prevent privatization. The style is simple and bold.

STER ska vi spränga? Spräng allt! Ni miste spränga allt annars kommer borgarna och privatiserar det!

17 December 2023
Street sticker A sticker featuring a flag-like design with the text "EUSKAL HERRIA" at the top and "SANKT PAULI FANS" at the bottom. The central design includes a gear and a laurel wreath, along with stylized figures holding weapons. A smaller sticker is visible below the main sticker that says "Freund der Helfer".


08 June 2023
Street sticker A sticker with a rainbow flag and an anarchy symbol. The text on the sticker says "Be Gay Do Crime" and includes a website address.

BE GAY DO CRIME www.VrijeBond.org

22 January 2023
Street sticker A black and white sticker with the word ANOIA and a phrase that says "Will minus intellect. Pics without - dicks". It's stuck on a green pole.

ΑΝΟΙΑ Will minus intellect Pics without dicks

07 August 2022
Street sticker A sticker with a cartoon illustration of a police truck with two pig-like characters inside. The text on the sticker says "Oink Oink Oink" and "The sound of the police".

HELL ANTIFA Linke Aktion Lichtenberg 11 Folgt uns auf Instagram, TikTok und Facebook V.I.S.d.P::carf Marks 5 Dink OINK NFT Oink UNPLUG D The sound of the POLICE pour le voir On a tueR maïté www.nombril.com Veganneries mobiles

16 July 2022