#pigs street stickers

4 items
Street sticker A sticker with a cartoon illustration of a police truck with two pig-like characters inside. The text on the sticker says "Oink Oink Oink" and "The sound of the police".

HELL ANTIFA Linke Aktion Lichtenberg 11 Folgt uns auf Instagram, TikTok und Facebook V.I.S.d.P::carf Marks 5 Dink OINK NFT Oink UNPLUG D The sound of the POLICE pour le voir On a tueR maïté www.nombril.com Veganneries mobiles

16 July 2022
Street sticker Sticker featuring a cartoon illustration of two pigs in a police car. The text on the sticker says "Oink Oink Oink!!! The sound of the POLICE".

Oink OINK Oink The sound of the POLICE

23 December 2020
Street sticker A sticker featuring a whimsical illustration of pigs engaged in various activities, including golf, set against a teal background. The text at the top reads "Pommes mit Eis."  There is additional text visible at the bottom that's partially obscured and a separate event poster is visible on the pole.

POMMES milEis 27 Lands PER f jaden fall felling

11 November 2020