#germanpolitics street stickers

32 items
Street sticker A sticker featuring a ball gag and the text "Die Linke queer" and "Für mehr Subkulturförderung."  The sticker appears to be political in nature, promoting subculture funding by the left-wing party Die Linke.

Die Linke oka queer Für mehr Sub- Forderiars

14 February
Street sticker A red sticker with a cartoon illustration of a worker smashing a symbol, likely representing the AfD and Ampel coalition.  It includes text in German, a QR code, and the abbreviation RKPA. The sticker promotes class struggle against the AfD and Ampel coalition.

Klassenkampf Gegen AfD Und Ampel RKPR www derkommonist.de instagram ©vkp beautiful

09 February
Street sticker A sticker with a pie chart showing different things that, according to the sticker, have ruined Germany. The text on the sticker is in German. The colors in the chart seem to represent different groups or ideas. There is also a small symbol at the bottom of the sticker.

Dinge, die DEUTSCHLAND bisher RUINIERT haben: Sozialstaat Einwanderung Klimaaktivisten Queere Menschen VOLKSVERPETZER Nationalismus

07 February
Street sticker A blue square sticker with a white logo. The logo contains a stylized 'J+' with a cross and a deer emblem underneath.  A QR code is located below the logo. Small text at the very bottom appears to give an address.

t Junge Union Tempethof-Schäneberge Rathausstraße 98 12105 Berlin PFEFFA STAFT KEEFERSPRAY

30 January
Street sticker A sticker placed over the mouth of a politician in a poster.  The sticker depicts a ball gag and the text 'Für mehr Subkulturförderung' which translates to 'For more subculture funding'.

DEUTSCHLA Die Linke queer Für mehr Sub- Kultur- Förderung

30 January
Street sticker A sticker featuring a cannabis leaf design and the text "Kiffen, LSD und Darkrooms" in German.  The sticker also includes a logo for "Die Linke.queer" and a smaller text explaining their stance on a statement made by Beatrix von Storch (AfD).

www.dielinke queer.de Kiffen, LSD und Darkrooms .queer DIE LINKE. So Bundestag stellt sich am Beatrix von Storch das (AfD) in in Ordnung. queerer einer Rede Groß- im städterrinnen vor, 4, März Wir finden 2021 das Leben voll

30 January
Street sticker A sticker with a pink and green X over the text "AfD Verbot Jetzt", which translates to  "AfD ban now". The bottom of the sticker has a smaller text that reads "afd-verbot.jetzt"

AFD VERBOT JETZT AFD-VERBOT.JETZT ghi the he heard a delivered om all my 9

02 November 2024
Street sticker A round sticker with a white background and blue poop emojis.  The text "AfD Wählen ist so 1933" is written in red.  The bottom of the sticker has the logo and website for taz.

AFD WÄHLEN IST so 1933 taz taz.de/antifa

29 September 2024
Street sticker A sticker with a black background and yellow border. It says in German: "Die AFD ist for Dummies" which translates to "The AFD is for Dummies". There is also a smaller text at the bottom that seems to be a quote.

Auflage Die AFD ist FOR DUMMIES "Egal ob Pott oder am Niederrhein, Stone-FTB Zu Nazis sagen wie stets NEIN!"

24 September 2023
Street sticker A red sticker with white text that says "Don't Giffey fuck" and the logo of the German political party "Die PARTEI".  The sticker is affixed to a gray surface. The text "die-partei-berlin.de" is at the bottom.

Don't Giffey fuck Die PARTEI die-partei-berlin.de

09 September 2023
Street sticker A sticker with a picture of Björn Höcke and the text "Björn Höcke ist ein Nazi" (#StopptDieAfD).  The sticker also contains a website address at the bottom.


16 July 2023
Street sticker A sticker featuring a black and purple design with a stylized image of a person shouting.  The text includes the German phrases "Ehe, Küche, Vaterland?" (Wife, Kitchen, Fatherland?), "unsere Antwort" (our answer), and "WIDERSTAND!" (Resistance!).  The acronym FAU is prominently displayed, along with a black cat illustration.  The sticker conveys a message of resistance against traditional gender roles.

Ehe, Küche, Vaterland? KE D! ES unsere Antwort WIDERSTAND! GS FAU BERLIN GS.DE

18 May 2023
Street sticker A sticker featuring a Shiba Inu in a suit holding a gun, with text in German stating "There is no NATO conspiracy!" and a Twitter hashtag #WeAreNATO.  The sticker also includes a logo that appears to be related to German news.


12 May 2023
Street sticker A red and white sticker on a pole with the text "Grenzen - ein dehnbarer Begriff." and the logo of Die PARTEI.  The text translates to "Borders - a stretchable concept."

Grenzen- ein dehnbarer Begriff. Die PARTEI 68

29 March 2023
Street sticker A sticker with the text "Kein Fußball den Faschisten" (No football for fascists) in German. It features a logo that seems to be related to a Berlin-based sports club.

gion Berlin / Brendenburg ) kein fußball TENNIS BERLIN BORUSSIA * den faschisten

07 March 2023
Street sticker A round sticker with a red border and a white center.  A black asterisk with a red line across it is in the center. The text on the sticker says "GENDERN? NICHT MIT MIR!" which translates to "Gendering? Not with me!"

etzen. eiter:innen Lehrer*innen Schüler/-innen Studentoi rofessor/-innen usbilder:innen dierender_in Liebe*r GENDERN? C Liebe_r er/-inn erlnnen er*in /-Inn nner erin Ir Sc nt ess r: ie et eite in ofes en iere r*i Liebe inne rnnen R ger*in -Innen af/-inne ker/innen NICHT MIT MIR! ahrer_Inne Schüler*innen Student.innen rofessorinnen Ausbilderannen Liebe_r Kolleg/inner KE

12 February 2023
Street sticker A worn-out sticker featuring a black and white image of Björn Höcke with text suggesting a center for political beauty, recognized by Björn Höcke, and labeled a terrorist organization.


26 May 2022