#germany street stickers

101 items
Street sticker A round sticker featuring a cartoon illustration of three characters enjoying beer and fries.  The characters include a woman in traditional German attire, a blue creature, and a man in a hat. The background is purple, and the text 'KHC IN BERLIN' is visible at the top.

KHC IN BERLIN @tcofokker.org @toverpoes OFFEUG

12 February 2023
Street sticker A red sticker with a fist and the text "Alle zusammen gegen den Faschismus!" (Everyone together against fascism!). It also says to fight against right-wing hate, everyday racism, and the AfD (Alternative for Germany).  There is a logo for the Jusos Berlin (Young Socialists in Berlin) and the text includes calls to action in German, Turkish, and Arabic.

ALLE ZUSAMMEN GEGEN DEN FASCHISMUS! Gegen rechte Hetze, Alltagsrassismus und die AfD! JETZT MITMACHEN SiMDi KATIL الآن انضم JUSOS BERLIN Keine Story Autobahn dures

05 February 2023
Street sticker A black sticker with a white rabbit illustration in the center. The text on the sticker says "Der Weiße Hase" which translates to "The White Rabbit" in German. It also includes the address "Revaler Str 99 | 10245 Berlin" and a Facebook link. The style is reminiscent of a techno club flyer.

TEL. 416823159 ST LA goA SCHW House eLecTro HASE WEIBE CLUB DER DerWeissellaseBorlin Revaler Str 99 I 10245 Berlin

05 February 2023
Street sticker Red and white diamond-shaped sticker with a logo and text. The logo is a stylized "M" with an arrow pointing down. The text around the logo says "Team Liebe" at the top and "Münster est. 2021" at the bottom.

Münster 31 est. 2021 Team Liebe

27 December 2022
Street sticker Yellow oval sticker with the text "Nett hier." (Nice here.) and  "Aber waren Sie schon mal in Baden-Württemberg?" (But have you ever been to Baden-Württemberg?). It also shows the coat of arms of Baden-Württemberg and the text "Baden-Württemberg THE LÄND". The sticker seems to be attached to a dark surface and has water droplets on it.

Nett hier. Aber waren Sie schon mal in Baden-Württemberg Baden-Württemberg THE LÄND

08 December 2022
Street sticker A sticker announcing a Workers Assembly and Election for the FLINK Workers Collective, taking place on Monday, September 5th at 12:00 pm in Zemin, Urbanstraße 3, 10961 Kreuzberg.

FLINK FLINK WORKERS COLLECTIVE WORKERS ASSEMBL Y & ELECTION Monday, 5 September, 12:00 pm Location: Zemin, Urbanstraße 3, 10961 Kreuzberg

21 October 2022
Street sticker A sticker featuring the Hertha BSC logo and the year 1892. The sticker is purple and gold and is adhered to a dark-colored surface.

H 18 HerthaBSC 92 ER

14 October 2022
Street sticker A black and yellow circular sticker featuring a tennis ball graphic and the text 'BSG BA Neukölln Abt. Tennis'.

BSG BA Neukölln Abt. Tennis

10 October 2022
Street sticker A sticker for the Under Berlin Film Festival, which took place from October 7-8-9.  The sticker features a QR code.

20 BO SH E OCT 7-8-9 UNDER BERLIN FILM FESTIVAL VA Argentinischen - Republik FUNDACIÓN COMUNIDAD 8A-110 10405 CONTEMPORANEA GHEIPSWALDER STR. 23 https://linktr.ee/underberlinfilmfestival?utm_source=qr_code

07 October 2022
Street sticker A round sticker with the text "BERLIN" and "EAR GUARD" in black text on a white background.  A small silhouette of the Berlin Television Tower is visible between the two lines of text. The circular border has the words  "Hochwertiger Gehörschutz aus der Hauptstadt Berlin" which translates to "High-quality hearing protection from the capital Berlin".

Hoch wertiger Gehörschutz aus der BERLIN and I EAR GUARD Larms, BERLIN

19 July 2022
Street sticker A sticker commemorating 20 years of Wuhlesyndikat, a Union Berlin fan group. The sticker features the Union Berlin logo, the Wuhlesyndikat logo, and the text "20 Jahre Wuhlesyndikat".


23 June 2022
Street sticker A worn sticker on a gray metal pole.  The sticker features the text "BERLIN FUCKING CITY" in large, bold letters, with the tagline "the city, the shirt, the attitude." and a website address below. A portion of another sticker is visible to the right.

SPACE BERLIN FUCKING CITY the city. the shirt. the attitude. www .berlinfuckingcityshirt.com

21 May 2022
Street sticker A green sticker with a pictogram and the text "Fluchtwege freihalten!" (Keep escape routes clear!) in German. Below, there is another sticker from a driving school in Cologne, Germany.

Fluchtwege freihalten! FAHRSCHULE X-KÖLLN ... eine sichere Sache! Lenaustraße 25, 12047 Berlin Tel. 030 26

24 April 2022
Street sticker A round sticker featuring the logo of Hertha BSC's Ostkurve (East Stand) fan group.  The logo incorporates the club's name and founding year (1892), with a visual element that appears to depict a profile of a head. The colors are primarily white and blue.

POSTLORVET H 18 92 HERTHA BSC .com unlopez

22 April 2022
Street sticker A round sticker with a yellow sun-like design and a figure holding a syringe. The text "Impfen statt Schimpfen!" is written around the design, suggesting a pro-vaccination message.  The sticker is affixed to a pole covered in other stickers and grime.


03 April 2022
Street sticker A red circular sticker affixed to a metal pole. The sticker features the word "LEER" (German for empty) in bold white letters, along with the website address "leerstandsmelder.de".  The website likely relates to reporting vacant properties or spaces in Germany.


28 March 2022