#monochrome street stickers

96 items
Street sticker A round black and white sticker with a white rune symbol in the center. The Instagram handle @markofcainsthlm is visible at the bottom of the sticker.

@markofcainsthim https://www.instagram.com/markofcainsthlm/

22 October 2023
Street sticker A black and white photo sticker showing a woman wearing a balaclava aiming a rifle or similar weapon. The text "¡NO PASARÁN!" is written at the bottom. The sticker appears to be wheat-pasted on a metal pole.

1. BIS 3. NOVEMBER -2019 FR. + S.A. 20 UHR SO. 75-18 UHR KühlbausBerlin enwalder Strasse 3 Bahn Gleisdreieck CALACA.DE MOB ACTION ¡NO PASARÁN!

08 October 2023
Street sticker A grayscale sticker featuring a winged shark skull in a circular design with the text "FLYING SHARKS". The sticker is affixed to a gray square post surrounded by greenery.


09 September 2023
Street sticker Black and white illustration of an axe with a snake wrapped around the handle. The sticker is slightly worn but the image is still visible.

27 August 2023
Street sticker Round sticker featuring a monochrome illustration of a skull with a mohawk embracing a girl with a bob haircut.  The sticker has the artist's name and contact information.

3D LEO COSENZA MADE IN FASO Via Piave 122, Fasano info: 349 7326254

08 July 2023
Street sticker Black and white sticker with a circle and the letter G in the center. Below it, the text Granit Souls is written. The sticker is attached to a pole with other posters and stickers.

16 H SEXISM RACISM, HOL www.true-rebel-stor DEENKOMMEN FÜR ALL H JE G CX 2105 B XY 373 Granit 071 Wir sch Souls JEM

12 February 2023