#fridaysforfuture street stickers

12 items
Street sticker Sticker promoting climate action by Fridays For Future Stockholm.  It asks the question, "Climate Anxiety?" and encourages people to join their movement. The sticker includes a website to learn more.

0 Go Back 8 Climate Anxiety? To: Everyone From: @fridaysforfuture.stockholm Subject: Do You Have Climate Anxiety? Together we can be the change. Join us in the streets! tridaystorfuture.se/stockholm örket pã art FRIDAYS FOR Stockholm FUTURE

29 October 2024
Street sticker A sticker advocating for climate action, mentioning 50 years of conferences leading to a 1°C increase in warming.  It promotes a climate strike on June 3rd in Stockholm and includes the hashtag #people not profit and the Instagram handle @fridaysforfuture.stockholm

Stockholm +50 50 ar av konferenser, 1°C upprärmning. klimatstrejk 3 juni not profit @fridaysforfuture.stockholm

19 June 2022
Street sticker A sticker advocating for public transportation. It depicts a train contrasted with cars stuck in traffic. Hashtags promote social movements.

ÖPNV statt warten im Stau E Wir n un inen FRIDAYS FOR ei Inte FUTURE setne Oder per I ant

01 April 2022
Street sticker A sticker advocating for system change, not just climate change.  It features a graphic of a protest and the dates of potential events. Social media handles for Fridays For Future Sweden are included.

UPROOTTHESYSTEM UPROOTTNESYSTEM 24 SEPT 2021 22 OKT 2021 ar an DEAD PLANET SOON, ACT NOW! SYETEM CHANGE, NOT CLIMATE CHANGE THE SYSTEM oFff Sweden O efridayslorfuture https://twitter.com/FFF_Sweden https://instagram.com/fridaysforfuture.swe

12 March 2022
Street sticker A green sticker promoting climate action with images of a protest and the dates 24 Sept 2021 and 22 Oct 2021.  It includes the text "Dead Planet Soon, Act Now! System Change, Not Climate Change!" and the hashtag #UprootTheSystem. Social media handles for @FFF_Sweden (Twitter) and @fridaysforfuture.swe (Instagram) are also included.

24 SEPT 2021 22 OKT 2021 DEAD PLANET SOON, ACT NOW! SYSTEM CHANGE, NOT CLIMATE CHANGE @FFF_Sweden UeneorTHESVSTEM @fridaysforfuture.swe UPROOT THE SYSTEM https://twitter.com/FFF_Sweden https://instagram.com/fridaysforfuture.swe

20 November 2021
Street sticker A blue sticker with the text "IT'S GETTING HOT IN HERE!" in large white letters. Below it, in smaller text, is a German phrase: "ABER ICH FINDE, SCHNEE STEHT DEM NORDPOL WESENTLICH BESSER."  The sticker also features a logo for Fridays For Future and social media hashtags and website address.


16 November 2020