#greenstickers street stickers

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Street sticker A green sticker promoting climate action with images of a protest and the dates 24 Sept 2021 and 22 Oct 2021.  It includes the text "Dead Planet Soon, Act Now! System Change, Not Climate Change!" and the hashtag #UprootTheSystem. Social media handles for @FFF_Sweden (Twitter) and @fridaysforfuture.swe (Instagram) are also included.

24 SEPT 2021 22 OKT 2021 DEAD PLANET SOON, ACT NOW! SYSTEM CHANGE, NOT CLIMATE CHANGE @FFF_Sweden UeneorTHESVSTEM @fridaysforfuture.swe UPROOT THE SYSTEM https://twitter.com/FFF_Sweden https://instagram.com/fridaysforfuture.swe

20 November 2021