#activism street stickers

349 items
Street sticker A light blue sticker with a bird and the text 'Gewaltfrei zivil ungehorsam' (non-violent civil disobedience) and the Extinction Rebellion logo.  There's also some additional handwritten text on the sticker.

GYNEZ A.K.A. D Search ONOO LEIBNIZSTR. 57 SPÜLSTUNDEN TÄGLI nene u Diamy 23, 10g GEWALTFREI ZIVIL UNGEHORSAM extinction Larat rebellion .DE Nas have HIPS ksfmofficial

26 December 2021
Street sticker A sticker featuring a simple drawing of a vulva, the German flag, and text that appears to be cut off.  The visible text includes the word 'Mach mit!' which translates to 'Join in!' in English.

De Muschikraft Pat Mig grund - Mach mit!

20 December 2021
Street sticker Black and white sticker with a gorilla's face and the text "Until every cage is empty". There is a website address at the bottom right corner.


19 December 2021
Street sticker A sticker featuring the text "Ein Unkraut das bin ich" (I am a weed) in green lettering on an orange background. It also includes dates (18.9. - 3.10.21), likely referring to an event or exhibition, and mentions  "Nach R. Luxemburg" (Following R. Luxemburg), suggesting a theme related to Rosa Luxemburg's philosophy.  The hashtag #rosariotforfuture is also visible.

EIN TEIL VON DRAUSSEN STADT sliders Katharina Bellena, Nikola Duric, Renata Rara Kaminska, Nina Kronjager, HAUPT STADT KULTUR FONDS EIN UNKRAUT DAS BIN ICH Nach R.Luxemburg OSTP 18.9. - Flussbad Vernissage Garten 18.09.2021.1ah Sportingsgasse Performance 3.10.21 10178 Berlin 25 09/26 09.09 U-Bahn Museumsinsel 03.10.2021. 18h visual by Lucille Kronjager 4EVER d KERS From: For Do stic and

19 December 2021
Street sticker A green sticker promoting climate action with images of a protest and the dates 24 Sept 2021 and 22 Oct 2021.  It includes the text "Dead Planet Soon, Act Now! System Change, Not Climate Change!" and the hashtag #UprootTheSystem. Social media handles for @FFF_Sweden (Twitter) and @fridaysforfuture.swe (Instagram) are also included.

24 SEPT 2021 22 OKT 2021 DEAD PLANET SOON, ACT NOW! SYSTEM CHANGE, NOT CLIMATE CHANGE @FFF_Sweden UeneorTHESVSTEM @fridaysforfuture.swe UPROOT THE SYSTEM https://twitter.com/FFF_Sweden https://instagram.com/fridaysforfuture.swe

20 November 2021
Street sticker A round orange sticker with white text and a white graphic of a boat. The text translates to "We are a solidarity cinema. Create safe harbors!"  The bottom also includes the website address seebruecke.org and the city Berlin.


07 November 2021
Street sticker This sticker expresses protest against the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, criticizing the human rights abuses and worker exploitation associated with the event.  It promotes the idea of a 'Football Spartakiad' as an alternative.

KONTERBIER GEGEN KATAR Fußballspartakiade statt Menschenrentnerfestspiele SKLAVEREI-WM IST ZUM KOTZEN

07 November 2021
Street sticker A round black sticker with the text "Drink for Peace" in white, accompanied by a small bird and wheat graphic.  The website www.drinkforpeace.com is printed at the bottom.


29 October 2021
Street sticker A sticker on a pole advertising a climate strike on September 24th.

Alla infos undOrte Weil wir allen eine Ausbildungsplatz und BAfOG elternu zahlen. Mit deiner S für die SPD. KLIMA STREIK 24.09.

28 October 2021
Street sticker A sticker on a pole with text in German that translates to: "Sexism causes long-term damage and significant harm to people and their environment."

Sexismus fügt Kane und den Mensche Ihrer Umgebung eblichen Schaden GRAS

24 October 2021
Street sticker A sticker promoting the Feminist Porn Award on a pole.  The word "no" is crossed out in the sticker's design.

Ju-chilage - Porne Yes nut Feminist HAU / Urania für Erwachsene! Humboldt-Universität/ Porn Award poryes.de 16.10.21 % Feld de

24 October 2021
Street sticker A sticker on an orange surface with the text "trau Dich FRAGEN zu stellen" (Dare to ask questions) in German.  There is also a small Agenda 2030 reference visible on the sticker.

trau Dich FRAGEN zu stellen der

24 October 2021
Street sticker A sticker with the text "Kapitalismus ist kein Naturgesetz" (Capitalism is not a law of nature) in German.  The sticker has a red and black color scheme and is affixed to a blue surface.


24 October 2021
Street sticker Sticker expressing a critical opinion on green cars, possibly referencing the event #blockIAA from September 9-12, 2021.  It features a crossed-out image suggesting sabotage. Text says: "Green cars are a dirty lie! Sand in the gears!"

: 09. - 12. September 2021 Grüne Autos sind eine dreckige Lüge! Sand im Getriebe !

24 October 2021