#healthcare street stickers

3 items
Street sticker Yellow sticker with the text "Sag's deiner Ă„rztin" (Tell your doctor) and a small drawing of a stethoscope.  It also includes a hashtag and website address at the bottom.

SAG'S DEINER ARZTIN Sag's weiter: www.wissen-verdoppeln.hiv

11 June 2023
Street sticker A blue sticker promoting a movement with the slogan "Aufstand statt Applaus" (Rebellion instead of applause). It features the logos of Junge Pflege (Young Care) and DBfK (German Federation of Professionals in the Health and Welfare Sector).

VZA Bialas Baustellenabsicherung 030/214 75 65-0 AUFSTAND STATT JUNGE DBfK PFLEGE Deutscher Berufsverband für Pflegeberufe

19 May 2022