#left street stickers

7 items
Street sticker A sticker warning against racism.  It's in Swedish and states that racism seriously harms you and those around you.  The sticker is from Ung Vänster Storstockholm (Young Left Stockholm).

Varning: Rasism skadar dig och din omgivning allvarligt. ★UNG VÄNSTER STORSTOCKHOLM

10 June 2023
Street sticker A sticker promoting socialism, featuring a stylized map of a metro line and the text "Nästa: Socialism" ("Next: Socialism"). It also includes the name of a youth political organization: Ung Vänster Södermalm.

Nästa: Gullmarsplan Hammarbyhajdes OCIALIS Tallkrogen Gubbängen stigning för samtlige gen 118 Farsta strand *UNG VÄNSTER SÖDER OM SÖDER

19 February 2023
Street sticker A blue sticker with the text "Kråv din rätt!" (Demand your right!) in large letters. Below it, in smaller text, it says "More and cheaper housing." There is an illustration of a house with trees and a cat in the window. At the bottom, it says "Organize yourself in Ung Vänster" (Young Left).

KRÄV DIN RÄTT! Fler och billiga bostäder Organisera dig *UNG VÄNSTER

23 October 2022
Street sticker A light blue sticker with illustration of two women sitting with two dogs and a book. The text on the sticker says "KRAV DIN RÄTT!" which translates to "Demand your rights!" in English. Below it says "Gratis kollektivtrafik, idrott och kultur", which means "Free public transport, sports and culture". At the bottom it has the logo "Ung Vänster", which translates to "Young Left".

KRAV DIN RÄTT! Gratis kollektivtrafik, idrott och kultur thg UNG VÄNSTER

22 August 2022
Street sticker A red sticker advocating for a 6-hour workday.  It features an illustration of a vintage car and text in Swedish.  The sticker is from Ung Vänster (Young Left).

Åtta timmars arbetsdag är en hundra år gammal idé. Dags för sex timmars arbetsdag! SEX TIMMARS ARBETSDAG *** BRÖDKORT BROOKONT Z *UNG VÄNSTER

03 August 2022