#housing street stickers

2 items
Street sticker A blue sticker with the text "Kråv din rätt!" (Demand your right!) in large letters. Below it, in smaller text, it says "More and cheaper housing." There is an illustration of a house with trees and a cat in the window. At the bottom, it says "Organize yourself in Ung Vänster" (Young Left).

KRÄV DIN RÄTT! Fler och billiga bostäder Organisera dig *UNG VÄNSTER

23 October 2022
Street sticker A sticker with a drawing of two hands holding a small model of houses and buildings. The text on the sticker says "KRIJG DE INVES TERING" which translates to "Get the investment" in Dutch. The artist's signature is visible at the bottom.


27 August 2022