#information street stickers

3 items
Street sticker A sticker on a metal pole provides addresses in both Arabic and English for an office located near the Iraqi embassy and consulate in Stockholm and Solna, Sweden.  Phone number is also included.

BUJOS مكتب ستوكهولم للخدمات الفرع الأول مقابل السفارة العراقية في ستوكهولم Valhallavägen 75 , 11428 Stockholm 0739998085 الفرع الثاني قرب القنصلية العراقية في سولنا Krysshammarvägen 46,17157 Solna 0735520304 البرع الثالث بغداد-ال الحارثية بداية شارع الكندي مقابل مول بغداد 07735502550

29 June 2024
Street sticker A small white sticker with red text and a red ribbon. The text on the sticker says "HIV does not spread during treatment" in Swedish. There is also a logo for HIV-Sverige, which says "Skyddar dig mot okunskap" (Protects you from ignorance).

Hiv smittar inte under behandling HIV-SVERIGE Skyddar dig mot okunskap

10 February 2024
Street sticker A beige sticker with the text "SAG'S DEINEN FREUNDEN" (Tell your friends) in pink letters.  Below the text are three figures giving each other a high-five.  A small hashtag and website are visible at the bottom.

Verkehr Verkehrseinricht SAG'S DEINEN Reflexionsklasse angenommene 2026 Nutzungsdauer FREUNDEN hier lochen Sag S weiter: www.wissen-verdoppeln.hiv

11 June 2023