#english street stickers

2 items
Street sticker A sticker on a metal pole provides addresses in both Arabic and English for an office located near the Iraqi embassy and consulate in Stockholm and Solna, Sweden.  Phone number is also included.

BUJOS مكتب ستوكهولم للخدمات الفرع الأول مقابل السفارة العراقية في ستوكهولم Valhallavägen 75 , 11428 Stockholm 0739998085 الفرع الثاني قرب القنصلية العراقية في سولنا Krysshammarvägen 46,17157 Solna 0735520304 البرع الثالث بغداد-ال الحارثية بداية شارع الكندي مقابل مول بغداد 07735502550

29 June 2024
Street sticker This is a round sticker with a red border and a light blue center.  The main image is a caricature of the Victory Column with a winged figure seemingly being defaced by a smaller figure. The text warns against graffiti and vandalism with messages in German, English, and French.

Idiat!* Wer die Siegessäule mit Graffiti beschmiert, wird wegen Sachbeschädigung angezeigt! Anyone defacing the Victory Column with graffiti will be charged with property damage. here C'est interdit de barbouiller la Colonne de la Victoire. Toute salute! forme de deterioration sera denoncee à la police.

24 September 2023