#creativity street stickers

3 items
Street sticker An orange round sticker with a lightbulb head graphic and the text "ICH HAB EINE IDEE" (I have an idea) in bold black letters.  At the bottom, it says "erfinderladen BERLIN" in a smaller font. The sticker is affixed to a gray pole amongst other stickers.

CHAFT UR: ICH HAB EINE IDEE erfinderladen BERLIN ON stalten. VAL

01 July 2022
Street sticker An orange round sticker with the text "Jeder ist Erfinder!" in black bold letters. At the bottom, it says "erfinderladen BERLIN" in a smaller font.  A small logo depicting a light bulb with a head is present at the top. The sticker is affixed to a grey concrete surface.


20 December 2021
Street sticker Round orange sticker with the text "Nicht schlecht von Kreativität her." and the website epicberlin.com at the bottom. The sticker is on a gray pole.

NICHT SCHLECHT VONG Kreativität HER. epicberlin.com

01 December 2020