#sexpositivity street stickers

2 items
Street sticker Sticker promoting the PorYes-Award, a feminist porn film award.  The sticker features the award's name, a description in German ("Feministischer PornFilmpreis", which translates to "Feminist Porn Film Award"), a tagline ("Respectful pornographic depictions are possible"), and a QR code linking to poryese.  The design uses a purple color scheme with white text.

Radkurier24.com PorYes-Award Feministischer PornFilmpreis Respektvolle pornogafische Darstellungen sind mglich. PORYES poryes.e

07 November 2021
Street sticker A sticker promoting the Feminist Porn Award on a pole.  The word "no" is crossed out in the sticker's design.

Ju-chilage - Porne Yes nut Feminist HAU / Urania für Erwachsene! Humboldt-Universität/ Porn Award poryes.de 16.10.21 % Feld de

24 October 2021