#laborrights street stickers

3 items
Street sticker A black and white warning sticker about the gig economy's negative impact on working conditions. It features the text 'WARNING!' in large bold letters, followed by a message in Swedish and the website GigWatch.se.

VARNING! Gigekonomin skadar dina arbetsvillkor Gig g Watch se

03 January
Street sticker A sticker warning about the negative effects of the gig economy on working conditions.  It features the text "VARNING! Gig ekonomin skadar dina arbetsvillkor" and the logo and website address for GigWatch.se

WARNING! Gigekonomin skadar dina arbetsvillkor GigWatch.se

10 April 2023
Street sticker A sticker protesting Amazon and surveillance. The sticker is partially damaged and has text in both English and German.  The main text says "AMAZON WORKERS" and "AMAZON ARBEITER*INNEN" (Amazon workers in German, using gender-inclusive language).  There is also a graphic of an eye with a red line across it, symbolizing the rejection of surveillance, and smaller text that says "GEGEN ÜBERWACHUNG AGAIN SURVEILLANCE".


08 October 2022