#germanhistory street stickers

4 items
Street sticker This sticker promotes the berlinHistory app, a location-based app that showcases the history of Berlin.  The text on the sticker says, "Here history was written." and it features a QR code linking to the app's download pages.

AIER WURDE GESCHICHTE GESCHRIEBE Ă…LLE EPOCHEN BERLINER GESCHICHTE ORTSBASIERT IN EINER APP KOSTENLOS AUF berlinHistory.app heaad he App Store Google Play https://blhd.de https://apps.apple.com/app/id1627876066 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lokal.berlinhistory

26 March 2022
Street sticker A sticker commemorating the end of World War II in Europe, featuring a photo of soldiers and the text "My grandfather didn't need a visa for a trip to Berlin in 1945". The sticker also includes the date 8. Mai 1945 and the slogans "Long live the liberators!" and "Death to fascism!"

BANDFATHER NT NEED 18A UK TAIP TO BERLIN 1945 8.Mai 1945 Lang leben die Befreier:innen! Tod dem Faschismus! Center

30 October 2021