#tradition street stickers

5 items
Street sticker The sticker is black and white and has the words "TRADITION STYRKA FRAMGANG" written in capital letters. It is on a green surface, possibly a trash can or similar object.


24 February
Street sticker Round sticker with a crest and text in German.  It promotes the Wallersteer Kerb. Social media handles are included at the bottom.

Nett hier. Aber waren Sie schonmal auf Wallersteerer Kerb? wallersteerer_kerweborsch wallersteever_herwemaedcher https://www.instagram.com/wallersteer_kerweborsch/

20 September 2023
Street sticker A sticker featuring a red and white emblem with the letter R, a laurel wreath, and a rugby ball.  The text "Tradition seit 1889" is prominently displayed.

R P R TRADITION SEIT 1889 Inho st R the R

08 July 2023